Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Help Ensure a Vermont Mozart Festival 2010 Season

I am Immediate Past President of the Vermont Mozart Festival and am helping the present president to raise a large sum of money in order to ensure the existence of the Festival and to prepare for the 2010 summer season. Pleas read below to see what has happened.

The Vermont Mozart Festival must be counted as one of America’s most unique musical festivals. No other festival presents greater variety with nineteen individual concerts spread over three short weeks in as many as eleven different locations. It follows the traditional model of European festivals, hosting a series of interrelated classical events in a variety of gorgeous settings. Most of these locations are outdoors. The music is performed by professional musicians and soloists drawn from regional, national, and international sources.

The Vermont Mozart Festival has successfully mounted 36 seasons of outdoor-oriented concerts, but two successive years of rainy weather and a serious economic downturn have created a serious financial shortfall. Ticket sales account for just over 40% of the budget, and contributions have dramatically lagged those of previous years. Even with a reduced budget for the 2009 season, there is a $330,000 shortfall.

The Board of Directors have every intention of making it through to the 2010 summer season, but funds must be found to handle the large shortfall before October, 2009.

Therefore, supporters are invited to contribute what they feel they can to help the Vermont Mozart Festival become solvent. Contributed funds are treated as tax free within the laws of the US International Revenue Service.

The future of the Vermont Mozart Festival rests in the hands of the community it serves and those who value excellent musical concerts in the Green Mountain State.

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